load from [[context]], ------------- take also a look at the [[display|Display philosophy]] With __RM__ checked, the RM load modality appears: permits to include [[https://ifhb.de/RM-Lexikon.php| IFHB-RM-Lexikon entries]] {{:RM.jpg?600|}} Functions **only after LOGIN** in IFHB.de **Three lines are necessary:** one for the __name__ RRR, then a link with the entry __number__ NNN and finally the __image address__ XXX.jpg - select the name of the entry and copy it (NOT the link) - now copy the link to this entry (right-click , then "copy link"; or follow the link, then copy the web-address - on the web-address of this entry, over the image, right-click then "copy image link" cancel quotes " and apostrophs ' in the entry name! edit to short names! **example (already entered):** * Riese-Hamann * https://ifhb.de/RM-Lexikon.php?mod=3094 * https://ifhb.de/rm/Adam_Riese-01.jpg **hint:** prepare the set in a text-editor and paste it in the box click on the __load__ button should load the set and link the image to __new RM entries__ When the image appears, hold on it and continue browsing. a double-click on the image opens the formular page