is a private non-commercial web-site owned by
Wolfgang J. Irler from Trento - Italy
email: Wolfgang.Irler at
It is maintained exclusively by Wolfgang in all its parts:
HTML-pages, Javascript functions and Neo4j-AuraDB database
It uses Javascript-scripts from vis.js, neovis, keycharm, Leaflet
and the neo4j-javascript-driver
The plain-old-Javascript interface tries to render visual informations about former office items as graphs:
mechanical and electronical calculating devices,
logarithmic slide rules and disks,
It is intended as a kind of Meta-Site with links between otherwise separated Web-Sites.
As such, the majority of shown images stem from their original Web-Sites and point directly back to these.
Complaints about the use of these images should be directed to Wolfgang's email.
No cookies are used; in some cases, the calling IP country/city information is checked and registered